Tag Archives: centering

Finding Your Flow

find flow stream rapidA little over a year ago, I was looking for any and everything that could possibly help me live through my potentially deadly dis-ease. A friend referred me to an on-line meditation — Creating Perfect Health — how perfect! That 21 day meditation (free) was so powerful, so healing, so inspiring, so centering, so strengthening — I sought out the next ones that followed. Whether or not you’ve benefited before, a new meditation has just started. You can still start from the beginning. Just go to oprah.com and register for instant access to Finding Your Flow. I’m certain you’ll be glad you did.

Here’s some strengthening words from Creating Perfect Health: Being thankful for what we have in our lives is an important part of our journey to perfect health. Gratitude helps clear away the noise of our egos and allows us to connect more deeply with our inner wisdom.

As we move forward on our individual paths, remember how important it is to spend time with friends and family. Sharing what we learn also enables us to build a supportive community, which is essential to creating a positive lifestyle.

Our centering thought for today is:

I create my perfect health.